SINGAPORE (contd.)
$10, (1976), bird, segmented security thread, serial nos. Z/4 142011, Z/4 142055 to 056 (consecutive pair), Z/4 098704, Z/4 098305 to 400 (96 consecutive notes), all replacement notes, heavy ageing on some, especially the notes at both ends. Sold as is, no return. (100)
SG$3,400 Up Realised: -
$20, (1979), bird, serial no. A/1 000011, low 1st prefix, red foreign substance rev., AU-UNC.
SG$520 Up Realised: SG$3,800
$20, (1979), bird, serial no. A/1 000012, low 1st prefix, AU-UNC.
SG$520 Up Realised: SG$2,600
$20, (1979), bird, serial no. A/1 000018, low 1st prefix, red foreign substance rev., AU-UNC.
SG$520 Up Realised: SG$3,400
$20, (1979), bird, serial no. A/1 000019, low 1st prefix, AU-UNC.
SG$520 Up Realised: SG$2,700
$20, (1979), bird, serial no. A/74 666666, stains, ageing, AVF.
SG$1,400 Up Realised: -
$50, (1976), bird, solid security thread, serial no. A/1 522921, PMG Choice UNC64.
SG$800 Up Realised: -
$50, (1976), bird, solid security thread, serial nos. A/1 250415 to 416, consecutive pair of 1st prefix notes, both graded PMG Gem UNC65EPQ. (2)
SG$2,100 Up Realised: -
$50, (1976), bird, segmented security thread, serial nos. A/6 084461 to 465, 5 consecutive notes, ageing, generally AU-UNC. (5)
SG$320 Up Realised: SG$300
$50, (1976), bird, segmented security thread, serial nos. A/6 084466 to 467, consecutive pair, generally AU-UNC. (2)
SG$130 Up Realised: SG$120
$50, (1976), bird, segmented security thread, serial nos. A/6 084471 to 475, 5 consecutive notes, generally AU-UNC. (5)
SG$320 Up Realised: -
$100, (1977), bird, serial nos. A/14 818266 to 267, consecutive pair, ageing, generally AU. (2)
SG$340 Up Realised: -
$1, (1987), ship, sign. Goh Keng Swee, serial no. C/92 200000, PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ.
SG$150 Up Realised: SG$140
$1, (1987), ship, sign. Goh Keng Swee, serial nos. C/99 999000, 999111, 999222, 999333, 999444, 999555, 999666, 999777, 999888, C/95 999999, generally AU-UNC. (10)
SG$1,400 Up Realised: -
$1, (1987), ship, sign. Goh Keng Swee, serial nos. Z/1 287700, Z/1 287721 to 799 (79 consecutive notes), all replacement notes, ageing, generally AU-UNC. (80)
SG$520 Up Realised: -
$1, (1987), ship, sign. Goh Keng Swee, serial nos. Z/1 676312 to 321 (10 consecutive replacement notes); Z/2 046488 to 497 (10 consecutive replacement notes); ageing, some with stains, generally AU-UNC. (20)
SG$170 Up Realised: -
$1, (1987), ship, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial nos. Z/2 147150 to 159, 10 consecutive replacement notes, the serial nos. Z/2 147150 graded PMG Choice UNC64, all others graded PMG Gem UNC65EPQ. (10)
SG$1,400 Up Realised: SG$1,300
$2, (1990), ship, orange, 24 consecutive prefixes DA to DZ, prefixes DI and DO were not issued, all same serial no. 000888, prefixes DL, DM, DP, DQ, DR, DS, DU, DV, DW grade PMG Gem UNC65EPQ, all others graded PMG Gem UNC66EPQ. (24)
SG$3,200 Up Realised: -
$2, (1990), ship, orange, serial no. AA 000000, specimen no. 0827, "SPECIMEN" ovpts., PMG Choice UNC64EPQ.
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$2, (1990), ship, orange, serial nos. EC 000088, 000888, 008888, the serial no. EC 008888 graded PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ, all others graded PMG Gem UNC65EPQ. (3)
SG$580 Up Realised: -
$2, (1990), ship, orange, serial nos. EM 644927 to 929, 3 consecutive notes, all graded PCGS Superb Gem New 67PPQ. (3)
SG$120 Up Realised: SG$120
$2, (1990), ship, orange, uncut sheet of 12, top left serial no. EJ 053928, bottom right EM 063928, with original BCCS holder and envelope, foxing on notes, holder and envelope, AU-UNC. (1 sheet)
SG$65 Up Realised: -
$2, (1990), ship, orange, uncut sheet of 12, top left serial no. EN 053261, bottom right ER 063261, with original BCCS holder and envelope, foxing on notes, holder and envelope, AU-UNC. (1 sheet)
SG$65 Up Realised: -
$2, (1990), ship, orange, uncut sheet of 12, top left serial no. EN 053262, bottom right ER 063262, with original BCCS holder and envelope, foxing on notes, holder and envelope, AU-UNC. (1 sheet)
SG$65 Up Realised: -
$2, (1992), ship, purple, serial no. BN 365867, replacement note, PMG Choice AU58.
SG$190 Up Realised: -
$2, (1992), ship, purple, serial no. BN 618871, replacement note, PMG Choice AU58.
SG$190 Up Realised: -
$2, (1992), ship, purple, serial no. QP 222222, solid 2s, PMG Choice UNC64EPQ.
SG$210 Up Realised: SG$210
$2, (1992), ship, purple, serial nos. KF 001000, KF 000222, generally VF. (2)
SG$65 Up Realised: SG$60
$2, (1992), ship, purple, serial nos. LR 851001, LR 851100, LR 851101, ageing, generally AU. (3)
SG$45 Up Realised: -
$2, (1992), ship, purple, serial nos. LR 851188, LR 851199, LR 851200, ageing, generally AU-UNC. (3)
SG$45 Up Realised: -
$2, (1992), ship, purple, serial nos. RA 338867 to 869, 3 consecutive replacement notes, all graded PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ. (3)
SG$1,600 Up Realised: -
$2, (1992), ship, purple, 3 uncut sheets of 3, 1 sheet serial nos. KP 520278, 522278, 524278; another sheet serial nos. KP 520288, 522288, 524288; another sheet serial nos. KP 526428, 528428, 530428; AU-UNC, each sheet with a BCCS folder. (3 sheets)
SG$75 Up Realised: -
$2, (1997), ship, purple, H&S, serial nos. ZZ 052601 to 602 (consecutive pair), ZZ 052633 to 640 (8 consecutive notes), stains, ageing, generally AU-UNC. (10)
SG$55 Up Realised: -
$2, (1998), ship, purple, BABN, serial no. EA 699922, 1st prefix, PMG Choice UNC64EPQ.
SG$210 Up Realised: -
$2, (1998), ship, purple, BABN, serial no. LE 919967, printing error, print shift left, PMG Choice UNC63.
SG$420 Up Realised: SG$400
$2, (1998), ship, purple, BABN, serial nos. LF 008879, LF 008906, LF 008910, last prefix, ageing, generally AU. (3)
SG$75 Up Realised: -
$5, (1989), ship, serial no. A/9 772277, radar serial no., PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ.
SG$130 Up Realised: SG$120
$5, (1989), ship, serial no. B/10 808808, "Radar" serial number, PCGS Choice About New 58PPQ.
SG$110 Up Realised: SG$120
$5, (1989), ship, serial nos. A/1 700367 to 368, consecutive pair of 1st prefix notes, both graded PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ; $10, (1988), ship, serial nos. A/1 487924 to 925, consecutive pair of 1st prefix notes, both graded PMG Gem UNC65EPQ. (4)
SG$290 Up Realised: SG$280
$10, (1988), ship, serial no. B/17 001111, PCGS Superb Gem New 67PPQ.
SG$150 Up Realised: SG$140
$10, (1988), ship, serial no. E/23 333333, solid 3s, PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ; $50, (1997), ship, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. D/26 333333, solid 3s, PMG Gem UNC66EPQ. (2)
SG$1,400 Up Realised: -
$10, (1988), ship, serial no. G/1 456789, ascending ladder serial number, PMG Choice UNC64.
SG$110 Up Realised: SG$110
$10, (1988), ship, serial nos. A/1 798457 to 460, 4 consecutive 1st prefix notes, last note graded PMG Choice UNC64EPQ, all others graded PMG Gem UNC65EPQ. (4)
SG$210 Up Realised: -
$10, (1988), ship, various prefixes, serial nos. 100000, 200000, 300000, 400000, 500000, 600000, 700000 (flattened), 800000, 900000, 1000000, some with stains, ageing, generally AU-UNC. (10)
SG$3,200 Up Realised: -
$50, (1987), ship, solid security thread, serial nos. A/1 535855 to 856, consecutive pair of 1st prefix notes, ageing, generally AU-UNC. (2)
SG$380 Up Realised: -
$50, (1987), ship, solid security thread, serial nos. B/57 967921 to 930, 10 consecutive notes, ageing, generally AU-UNC. (10)
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$50, (1997), ship, serial nos. E/17 000001 to 010, 10 consecutive notes, generally AU-UNC. (10)
SG$1,700 Up Realised: -
$50, (1997), ship, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. G/10 887788, radar serial no., PMG Gem UNC65EPQ.
SG$190 Up Realised: -
$100, (1985), ship, sign. Goh Keng Swee, serial no. Z/1 002674, replacement note, GVF.
SG$250 Up Realised: -
$100, (1995), ship, segmented security thread, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial nos. A/34 074692 to 693, consecutive pair, both graded PMG Choice UNC64. (2)
SG$250 Up Realised: -
$100, (1995), ship, segmented security thread, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. A/23 000001, PMG Gem UNC65EPQ.
SG$4,400 Up Realised: -
$500, (1988), ship, serial no. A/1 521377, 1st prefix, ageing, VF.
SG$580 Up Realised: -
$500, (1988), ship, serial no. A/3 421667, last prefix, PMG Choice UNC64EPQ.
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$500, (1988), ship, serial nos. A/2 971826 to 827, consecutive pair, both graded PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ star. (2)
SG$4,800 Up Realised: -
$50, (1990), President Ishak, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, polymer, serial nos. A 231036, B 206061, C 632592, E 046895, F 088549, G 119270, H 180727, serial no. C 632592 graded PMG Gem UNC66EPQ, serial nos. F 088549, H 180727 graded PMG Choice UNC64EPQ, all others graded PMG Gem UNC65EPQ. (7)
SG$380 Up Realised: SG$540
$2, $5, $10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, all same 1st prefix serial no. 0AA 008220, the $10 graded PMG Superb Gem UNC68EPQ, all others graded PMG Gem UNC66EPQ. (3)
SG$260 Up Realised: SG$250
$2, $50, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, both same serial no. 0MJ 000003 (Super Serial No. 3), graded PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ and Gem UNC65EPQ respectively. (2)
SG$170 Up Realised: SG$170
$2, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial nos. 0WW 628372 to 381, 10 consecutive replacement notes, all graded PMG Gem UNC66EPQ. (10)
SG$1,900 Up Realised: -
$2, (2000), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, red Millennium logo ovpt., serial nos. 5006064 to 066, 3 consecutive replacement notes, all graded PMG Gem UNC65EPQ. (3)
SG$520 Up Realised: -
$2, $5, $10, $50, 2004-08, President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, the $2, $5, $10 serial nos. 1BP 000006, the $50 serial no. 2BP 000006; $50, 1999, President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. 1BP 000006; the $5, $50 (LHL) graded PMG Choice UNC63EPQ; all others graded PMG Gem UNC66EPQ. (5)
SG$500 Up Realised: SG$480
$2, (2005), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, prefixes 1AF, 1AH, 1AQ, 1BL, 1CK, all same serial no. 522759, generally AU-UNC. (5)
SG$45 Up Realised: -
$2, (2005), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, prefixes 1AL, 1BT, 1BU, 1CD, 1CE, all same serial no. 535570, the prefix 1CE repaired, generally AU-UNC. (5)
SG$45 Up Realised: -
$5, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial nos. 0AA 817091 to 092, consecutive pair of 1st prefix notes; $10, (2005), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, serial nos. 1AZ 965123 to 124, consecutive pair; generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$85 Up Realised: -
$5, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, serial nos. 1AA 009357 (1st prefix), 1BS 702079 (last prefix), generally VF. (2)
SG$45 Up Realised: -
$10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, 4 consecutive prefixes 0KA to 0KD, all same serial no. 555555, generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, 4 consecutive prefixes 0KE to OKH, all same serial no. 555555, generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, 4 consecutive prefixes 0KJ to 0KM, all same serial no. 555555, generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, 4 consecutive prefixes 0KN to 0KR, prefix 0KO was not issued, all same serial no. 555555, generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, 4 consecutive prefixes 0KS to 0KV, all same serial no. 555555, generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, 4 consecutive prefixes 0KW to 0KZ, all same serial no. 555555, generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$850 Up Realised: -
$10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial nos. 0AA 686601 to 610, 10 consecutive 1st prefix notes, serial nos. 0AA 686601, 686602, 686608, 686610 graded PMG Gem UNC66EPQ, serial no. 0AA 686606 graded PMG Superb Gem UNC68EPQ, all others graded PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ. (10)
SG$580 Up Realised: SG$560
$10, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. 0BH 166463, inverted watermark error, PMG Choice VF35.
SG$9,500 Up Realised: -
$10, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, all 1st prefix 0AA, various serial nos., generally AU-UNC. (7)
SG$130 Up Realised: -
$10, (2005), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, 2 notes prefixes 1CV, 1CW, both same serial no. 339312; another 2 notes prefixes 1CV, 1CW, both same serial no. 339315; generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$85 Up Realised: -
$10, (2005), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, 2 notes prefixes 1CV, 1CW, both same serial no. 339317; another 2 notes prefixes 1CV, 1CW, both same serial no. 339320; the 1CW 339317 with a small black mark on obv. left, generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$85 Up Realised: -
$10, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, polymer, serial nos. 7AA 616550, 7AA 616647 to 649 (3 consecutive notes), generally AU-UNC. (4)
SG$140 Up Realised: -
$10, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, polymer, serial nos. 0AB 204077 to 078, consecutive pair, both graded PMG Gem UNC65EPQ. (2)
SG$120 Up Realised: -
$10, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, polymer, commemorative, serial no. MAS 002806, PMG Gem UNC66EPQ. With folder titled "1st MAS Commemorative Note Issue".
SG$400 Up Realised: -
$10, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, polymer, serial nos. 7AA 616642 to 646, 5 consecutive notes, generally AU-UNC. (5)
SG$140 Up Realised: -
$10, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, polymer, serial nos. 0AB 204061 to 065, 5 consecutive notes, generally AU-UNC. (5)
SG$140 Up Realised: -
$10, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, polymer, serial no. 7AA 616633, PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ.
SG$75 Up Realised: -
$10, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, polymer, serial nos. 7AA 896883 to 884, consecutive pair, graded PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ and Superb Gem UNC68EPQ respectively. the serial no. 7AA 896883 with some scuffs on PMG holder obv. (2)
SG$160 Up Realised: -
$10, (2014), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Goh Chok Tong, polymer, serial no. 4FT 000025, low number, 1 star on back, PMG Choice AU58EPQ.
SG$520 Up Realised: -
$10, President Ishak, MAS, polymer, sign. Goh Chok Tong, uncut sheet of 3, prefixes 3BP, 3CP, 3DP, all same serial no. 501729, AU-UNC. (1 sheet)
SG$160 Up Realised: -
$20, polymer, 40th Anniversary Currency Interchangeability Agreement Commemorative Circulation Notes, uncut sheet of 3, all prefix 0AA, serial nos. 670289, 711289, 752289, AU-UNC. (1 sheet)
SG$700 Up Realised: -
$50, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. 1DD 000007, serial number 7, PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ.
SG$380 Up Realised: -
$50, (1999), President Ishak, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. 1AZ 123456, ascending ladder serial number, PMG Gem UNC66EPQ.
SG$260 Up Realised: SG$400
$50, (2004), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Lee Hsien Loong, serial no. 2BN 555555, solid 5s, PMG Choice UNC63EPQ.
SG$400 Up Realised: SG$380
$100, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. 0BE 333333, solid 3s, replacement note, PMG Gem UNC66EPQ.
SG$42,000 Up Realised: -
$100, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, serial no. 0BF 892653, replacement note, pinholes, PMG VF30.
SG$160 Up Realised: -
$100, (2009), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Goh Chok Tong, serial no. 1AA 117117, repeater serial number, with 1 square on back, PMG Superb Gem UNC68EPQ.
SG$520 Up Realised: -
$100, (2009-2010), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Goh Chok Tong, prefixes 1AH, 1AR (replacement note), both same low serial no. 000073, the prefix 1AH with 2 squares on back, the prefix 1AR with 1 square on back, graded PMG Choice AU58 and Choice VF35 respectively. (2)
SG$2,100 Up Realised: -
$1000, (1999), President Ishak, BCCS, sign. Hu Tsu Tau, specimen, serial nos. 8PN 000355 to 356, consecutive pair, "SPECIMEN" perforations, ageing, generally AU-UNC. (2)
SG$8,500 Up Realised: -
$2, (2015), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, polymer, serial no. 5BD 444444, solid 4s, with 2 diamonds on back, PMG Gem UNC66EPQ.
SG$210 Up Realised: -
$2, President Ishak, sign. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, 3 notes with prefixes 6EE, 6EG, 6EH, all same serial no. 624398; another 3 notes with prefixes 6EE, 6EG, 6EH, all same serial no. 624399; another 3 notes with prefixes 6EE, 6EG, 6EH, all same serial no. 624400; generally AU-UNC. Viewing recommended, sold as is, no return. (9)
SG$45 Up Realised: -
$5, (2013), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, polymer, serial no. 4BW 000028, last prefix, low number, 1 triangle on back, PMG Choice UNC64.
SG$520 Up Realised: -
$5, (2014), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, polymer, serial no. 4BD 444444, super solid 4s, with 2 triangles on back, PMG Superb Gem UNC67EPQ.
SG$800 Up Realised: -
$10, (2015), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, SG50 commemorative, back design "Safe and Secure", prefixes 5AF, 5AH, both same serial no. 092304, generally AU-UNC. (2)
SG$35 Up Realised: -
$10, (2016), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, polymer, serial no. 5BD 444444, solid 4s, with 2 solid houses on back, PMG Gem UNC66EPQ.
SG$580 Up Realised: -
$10, (2016), President Ishak, MAS, sign. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, polymer, serial no. 5BF 000010, 2 solid houses on back, PMG Gem UNC65EPQ.
SG$260 Up Realised: -