Mavin International Auction 67

12 April 2025, 9.30am at The Concorde Hotel Singapore for MAS and Singapore Banknotes And Via Internet, Fax, Mail & Absentee Bid Only Session, Not Before 12pm for World Banknotes & Coins

Banknotes and Coins

Mavin International is pleased to offer at its upcoming Auction 67, 12 April 2025 at 9.30am for MAS & Singapore Banknotes at the Concorde Hotel Singapore and via Internet, Fax, Mail & Absentee Bid Only Session Not Before 12pm for World Banknotes & Coins.

Auction Highlights:

Banknotes from The Monetary Authority of Singapore, fancy number sets of 25 piece per set of $2, $5 and $10

Various denominations of past and present Singapore banknotes including $10000 notes of the Bird, Ship and Portrait series

Malaya KGVI $100 PMG VF25

Straits Settlements $5 1925 PMG VF30

The Sinnathuray Family collection of coins, including an Australia KGV scarce 1912 Florin, a Ceylon KGIII Stiver, an India William III 1840/35 Rupee, all NGC graded

A scarce Mexico Philip V 1734MO MF 8 Reales, NGC graded

A rare high grade India Straits 1/4 Cent 1862, NGC MS62BN

Straits Settlements, key dates, QV 50 Cents 1889 and 1891, NGC VF35 and AU53, respectively

Straits Settlements, KGV 20 Cents, 1916B, Dollar, 1919, both NGC MS64

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Important Notice: The buyer's premium for bids made through is 20% (21.80% including of GST) The buyer's premium for absentee bids by post, fax and email is at 18% (19.62% including GST).

Auction catalogues will be available from 17 March 2025. Printed Catalogues at S$20 airmail postpaid.

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Important: We are not able to accept Paypal for auction payments except by prior arrangement. A fee of 4% of the total payable will be levied on Paypal payments to cover Paypal charges.

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